- Given:When // doStuff is reached, how many objects are eligible for GC?class CardBoard {Short story = 200;CardBoard go(CardBoard cb) {cb = null;return cb;}public static void main(String[] args) {CardBoard c1 = new CardBoard();CardBoard c2 = new CardBoard();CardBoard c3 = c1.go(c2);c1 = null;// do Stuff}}
- Given:What is the result?class Alien {String invade(short ships) {return "a few";}String invade(short... ships) {return "many";}}class Defender {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println(new Alien().invade(7));}}
- Given:What is the result?1. class Dims {2. public static void main(String[] args) {3. int[][] a = { { 1, 2, }, { 3, 4 } };4. int[] b = (int[]) a[1];5. Object o1 = a;6. int[][] a2 = (int[][]) o1;7. int[] b2 = (int[]) o1;8. System.out.println(b[1]);9. }10. }
- Given:What is the result?class Mixer {Mixer() {}Mixer(Mixer m) {m1 = m;}Mixer m1;public static void main(String[] args) {Mixer m2 = new Mixer();Mixer m3 = new Mixer(m2);m3.go();Mixer m4 = m3.m1;m4.go();Mixer m5 = m2.m1;m5.go();}void go() {System.out.print("hi ");}}
- Given:What is the result?class Fizz {int x = 5;public static void main(String[] args) {final Fizz f1 = new Fizz();Fizz f2 = new Fizz();Fizz f3 = FizzSwitch(f1, f2);System.out.println((f1 == f3) + " " + (f1.x == f3.x));}static Fizz FizzSwitch(Fizz x, Fizz y) {final Fizz z = x;z.x = 6;return z;}}
- Given:What is the result?class Bird {{System.out.print("b1 ");}public Bird() {System.out.print("b2 ");}}class Raptor extends Bird {static {System.out.print("r1 ");}public Raptor() {System.out.print("r2 ");}{System.out.print("r3 ");}static {System.out.print("r4 ");}}class Hawk extends Raptor {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.print("pre ");new Hawk();System.out.println("hawk ");}}
- Given:Which are true? (Choose all that apply)1. public class Bridge {2. public enum Suits {3. CLUBS(20), DIAMONDS(20), HEARTS(30), SPADES(30),4. NOTRUMP(40) {5. public int getValue(int bid) {6. return ((bid - 1) * 30) + 40;7. }8. };9. Suits(int points) {10. this.points = points;11. }12. private int points;13. public int getValue(int bid) {14. return points * bid;15. }16. }17. public static void main(String[] args) {18. System.out.println(Suits.NOTRUMP.getValue(3));19. System.out.println(Suits.SPADES + " " + Suits.SPADES.points);20. System.out.println(Suits.values());21. }22. }
- Given:What is the result?public class Ouch {static int ouch = 7;public static void main(String[] args) {new Ouch().go(ouch);System.out.print(" " + ouch);}void go(int ouch) {ouch++;for (int ouch = 3; ouch < 6; ouch++);System.out.print(" " + ouch);}}
- Given:What is the result?public class Bertha {static String s = "";public static void main(String[] args) {int x = 4;Boolean y = true;short[] sa = { 1, 2, 3 };doStuff(x, y);doStuff(x);doStuff(sa, sa);System.out.println(s);}static void doStuff(Object o) {s += "1";}static void doStuff(Object... o) {s += "2";}static void doStuff(Integer... i) {s += "3";}static void doStuff(Long L) {s += "4";}}
- Given:Which two are true about the objects created within main(), and eligible for garbage collection when line 12 is reached?1. class Dozens {2. int[] dz = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };3. }4. public class Eggs {5. public static void main(String[] args) {6. Dozens[] da = new Dozens[3];7. da[0] = new Dozens();8. Dozens d = new Dozens();9. da[1] = d;10. d = null;11. da[1] = null;12. // do stuff13. }14. }
- Given:When line 19 is reached, how many objects will be eligible for garbage collection?1. class Beta {2. }3. class Alpha {4. static Beta b1;5. Beta b2;6. }7. public class Tester {8. public static void main(String[] args) {9. Beta b1 = new Beta();10. Beta b2 = new Beta();11. Alpha a1 = new Alpha();12. Alpha a2 = new Alpha();13. a1.b1 = b1;14. a1.b2 = b1;15. a2.b2 = b2;16. a1 = null;17. b1 = null;18. b2 = null;19. // do stuff20. }21. }
- Given:What is the result?class Box {int size;Box(int s) {size = s;}}public class Laser {public static void main(String[] args) {Box b1 = new Box(5);Box[] ba = go(b1, new Box(6));ba[0] = b1;for (Box b : ba)System.out.print(b.size + " ");}static Box[] go(Box b1, Box b2) {b1.size = 4;Box[] ma = { b2, b1 };return ma;}}
- Given:What is the result?public class Dark {int x = 3;public static void main(String[] args) {new Dark().go1();}void go1() {int x;go2(++x);}void go2(int y) {int x = ++y;System.out.println(x);}}
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